Group mental wellness training and programs

Get your co-workers or employees together for engaging mental wellness workshops and programs. 

  • Are you a CEO, Sergeant, Captain, manager, or business owner who wants to increase team morale and productivity?

  • Do you have an employee training and workshop budget and want an engaging workshop on mental wellness?

  • Do you have stressed or burned-out employees who would respond better to a group program rather than 1:1 counseling?

Your next workshop or lunch & learn

Are you looking to engage and educate your team on the vital topic of mental health?

Now more than ever, organizations, institutions, and companies are increasingly grappling with a concerning rise in mental health challenges.

Despite being a topic often talked about, not many organizations know the impact of unaddressed mental l health issues – but they feel it. They see how it affects individuals and how it eventually affects their work and personal life.

The well-being of your people matters. You can help make a difference.

Military Personnel and Front Line Workers deserve to feel energized, confident, and vibrant in their everyday life.

Lunch and learn Workplace mental wellness workshop

Workshop session, lunch & learn, virtual or in person.

I help spread awareness, valuable insights, practical takeaways, and actionable strategies about mental health and wellness. Presentations often address workplace wellness topics related to stress management, leadership principles, and personality assessments.

Each presentation is backed by more than 7-years as a mental health therapist with active Military experience. I bring evidence-based clinical expertise and research-backed principles that are easy to understand and simple to implement.

Engaging and interactive, participants walk away with a boost of energy and confidence to be their best selves and improve their productivity at work and relationships at home.

The most sought-after workshops and presentations

Choose from my pre-designed programs or request a unique topic that solves your workplace community's needs.

Workplace Stress Management

Conflict Resolution

Anger Management

Leadership Principles

Team Building

How To Get Started

Step 1

Book An Information Call

Let’s connect by phone or email to chat about which presentation is right for your organization.

Step 2

Choose & Book Your Date

Once you select the presentation you’d like, we’ll go through booking the day and time.

Step 3

Get Ready to Inspire!

Gather your people, engage, and walk away with tangible tools and insight to positively impact their everyday lives!

team collaborating ate workplace mental health program for military, police, first responders and more

Let’s collaborate and explore how to best motivate your people to overcome obstacles in their path to better mental health.

Do you have a question? Need more information?